PirateBox 1.1 OpenWrt DIY PirateBox is an anonymous offline mobile file-sharing and communications system built with free software and inexpensive off-the-shelf hardware . You can use it to transform any space into a free and open offline communications and file sharing network. Learn more about PirateBox on our FAQ page! Install PirateBox 1.1 The following instructions are for installing PirateBox 1.1 on a new TP-Link router ( MR3020 or MR3040 ) or GliNet router which is running the factory installed firmware. Note: If you have already installed OpenWrt on your router or if you are already running an older version of PirateBox on your router, skip to the Upgrade PirateBox section below. If you have OpenWRT on a device other than the above routers, you can try your luck with the Manual method. For support, be sure to check out the PirateBox OpenWrt page and the OpenWrt discussion board on our PirateBox Forum . Stuff You'll Need 1. Wireless rout...